The Bike Barn has various community engagement projects and events around campus:
We provide free helmets to UC Davis affiliates through the Helmet Hair Don't Care Program and our partnership with Department of Transportation Services and Student Health and Counseling Services. To get a free helmet, fill out the HHDC pledge at the link above and stop by the Barn to get your helmet whenever we are open.
Over the last couple of months, we piloted the Lit Not Hit Program also in partnership with the Department of Transportation Services. Although the lights available through this program have run out, we were able to give out over 3,000 free lights to UC Davis students and affiliates. Stay tuned for more ways to get free lights as we work to secure more funding for this program.

To celebrate our incoming students, the Bike Barn has given away a new bike, reelights, and other accessories as raffle prizes at the first home football game of the year. This tradition helps connect incoming freshman to us as a campus resource and gets us excited about the upcoming year!
The Bike Barn is a sponsor of the Cycling Club at UC Davis, you can check out their website to learn more about the team and how we support them. Image Credit: Devin Wilson